Two new cooperative maps: In addition to the competitive multiplayer version, The Academy will also be released as a free cooperative map for Killzone Shadow Fall Intercept, along with a second cooperative map known as The Weapons Facility.We briefly revisited a collapsed version of this map in the From The Ashes DLC for Killzone 3, but this time around the ravages of war have really left a mark on the Academy. New ‘The Academy’ multiplayer map: Arguably Killzone 2‘s most popular multiplayer map, Radec Academy (named after Autarch Visari’s right-hand man and fan-favorite antagonist, Colonel Radec) is coming to Killzone Shadow Fall.New crosshair customisation: A new system lets you customize the reticules for all weapons, and the pack comes with seven brand new crosshair sets.Two new Player Card Icon Packs: Give your Player Card some character with the ‘Identity’ Icon Pack, or show off your favorite weapon with the ‘Weapons Of Shadow Fall’ Icon Pack.Two new voice packs: Change your battle chatter with the hilarious ‘Angry Veteran’ voice pack, or hear what the Killzone Shadow Fall dev team sounds like with the ‘Dev Team’ voice pack.Two new OWL skins: Matching ‘Honor Guard’ and ‘Special Forces’ skins for your combat automata will complement your new look.

Two new multiplayer character skins: Customize the look of your multiplayer characters with the ‘Honor Guard’ and ‘Special Forces’ uniform options.

Here are a few specifics on each pack: 10th Anniversary Expansion Pack While anyone can download the new maps free of charge, the 10th Anniversary Expansion Pack is available at no extra cost to Season Pass holders. Tomorrow, November 4, Killzone: Shadow Fall on the PlayStation 4 is getting a nifty new expansion that focuses heavily on new customization items, as well a new set of free downloadable competitive and cooperative multiplayer maps for good measure. Killzone developer Guerrilla Games is celebrating the 10th anniversary of their beloved first-person shooter IP that debuted on the PlayStation 2 all the way back in November 2 of 2004 with brand new content and events for their latest entry in the long running franchise.